NEWS #25│PLAYLIST ➤ El Muelle 1931 Shop (◉‿◉)

► Listen to our weekly Playlist with the latest news from our store: The soundtrack of our bar El Muelle, founded by our grandfather in 1931.


Jon Collin - Årstabron Arch no.2
Stefan Christensen - Cheap Things (For Adam and Hannah)
Ariel Kalma - Kula Confidential - Eco Sax
Picture Music - Haupt Bahnhof
Benjamin Lew - Hommes assis devant un mur chaulé
Deux Filles - Oakwood Green
Plus Instruments - Things
Psyclones - Keep It Together
Andy Ded - Summer Nightmares And Lazy Dogs
Carol Rich - Computered Love
Guerilla Welfare - Rock-a-Bye
Jjulius - En världslig sak
Nocturnal Emissions - Hit And Run
The Family Men - ABSC
Komare - .
Joachim Nordwall - B2
Étant Donnés - S'Envole
Taavi Suisalu -Silver Meets Ted
from Noisephony of Lawn Mowers by Taavi Suisalu
Artur M Puga - _63.tter
Đ.K. - Awakening
The Garbage & the Flowers - On The Radio

ღ Thank you for listening!




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