Select Record Store & Mail Order based in Santiago de Compostela: art, culture, illustration and zines. The soundtrack of our bar El Muelle, founded by our grandfather in 1931.
Durante os meses que El Muelle permaneceu pechado deunos tempo (un ben escaso neste século de frenetismo atroz), para argallar a apertura dunha tenda de discos e configurar a creación dunha plataforma que acollese propostas sonoras diverxentes.
Este espazo quere ser un catalizador que apoie proxectos musicais que se desenvolven desde as marxes e polos que sentimos unha especial afinidade.
El Muelle 1931 Shop nace, coincidindo coa celebración do noso 90 Aniversario, coa vocación de distribuír unha coidada selección daqueles traballos que máis nos chaman a atención e que xa forman parte da banda sonora habitual do bar. Este repertorio estará a partir de agora á venda en vinilo e casete, dous formatos analóxicos polos que temos un especial agarimo, entre outras cousas, pola cadencia temporal e a escoita atenta que impoñen fronte á desmesurada urxencia hiperactiva das plataformas dixitais.
Partindo destas premisas, queremos apoiar e dar visibilidade tanto a proxectos que nacen na contorna máis próxima, coma a selos independentes e artistas internacionais pouco convencionais.
Podedes visitar a nosa tenda na Rúa de San Pedro, 57 (Santiago de Compostela), onde atoparedes o noso pandemonium particular de músicas ocultas. Un catálogo único de insólitas propostas sonoras de todo o mundo (moitas nas súas últimas copias en stock) dedicado ao efémero da cultura underground.
During the months that El Muelle remained closed, we had time (a scarce commodity in this century of atrocious freneticism) to plan the opening of a record store and configure the creation of a platform that would welcome divergent sound proposals.
This space wants to be a catalyst that supports musical projects that are developed in the margins and for which we feel a special affinity.
El Muelle 1931 Shop is born, coinciding with the celebration of our 90th anniversary, with the aim of distributing a careful selection of those works that most catch our attention and that are already part of the regular soundtrack of the bar. This repertoire will be on sale from now on in vinyl and cassette, two analogical formats for which we have a special affection, among other things, for the time cadence and the attentive listening they impose as opposed to the excessive hyperactive urgency of the digital platforms.
Based on these premises, we want to support and give visibility to projects that are born in our immediate environment, as well as to independent labels and unconventional international artists.
You can visit our store at Rúa de San Pedro, 57 (Santiago de Compostela), where you will find our particular pandemonium of hidden music. A unique catalog of unusual sound proposals from all over the world (many of them in their last copies in stock) dedicated to the ephemeral of underground culture.