NEWS #35│PLAYLIST ➤ El Muelle 1931 Shop (◉‿◉)
► Listen to our weekly Playlist with the latest news from our store: The soundtrack of our bar El Muelle, founded by our grandfather in 1931.
Stella Vander - Ondes
Roméo Poirier - Statuario
Vlad Dobrovolski - Far Above The Ground
Emahoy Tsege Mariam Gebru - Mother's Love
Maxine Funke - Nicest Thing
The Common People - Here, There & Everywhere
Stefan Christensen - Holiday
People Skills - The Trench
MLR - Labbasounds 1
Jon Collin - Two
Jaroslav Kořán - Jarní 1
Dialect - Strange Grave
Alexis Degrenier - Fatiguer
David Lang - just (after song of songs)
Läuten der Seele - Opferkerzen weihen das Betonbecken
Jacques Bekaert - Mon Petit Album (1974)
La Nòvia - (A) Rain Be For Rain Bo
ღ Thank you for listening!