Magnus Jäverling - Bowdark - ElMuelle1931

Magnus Jäverling - Bowdark

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Discreet Music / Sweden / 2022

Bowdark is the name of a fictitious town somewhere in the USA. After a comet hits the town, mysterious things starts to happen. The Gothenburg-based artist Magnus Jäverling started to develop the concept and story around 2016, which included a scale model of the town and now the culmination of the project; his 10-track debut album. Recorded between 2016 and 2022, the album is a epic and dramatic journey through the peculiar lives and happenings in Bowdark. While musically being rooted in the synthesized and atmospheric tradition of Fabio Frizzi, John Carpenter and the ilk, there's something strikingly Scandinavian about the eerie and icy cold compositions.

The record is accompanied by a folder with loose sheets mapping out the strange events in Bowdark.