Jean-Pierre Boistel / Tony Kenneybrew - Percussions Pour La Danse - ElMuelle1931
Jean-Pierre Boistel / Tony Kenneybrew - Percussions Pour La Danse - ElMuelle1931

Jean-Pierre Boistel / Tony Kenneybrew - Percussions Pour La Danse

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Left Ear Records / Australia / RE 2022

* english below

Nun mercado tan saturado como o das reedicións, Left Ear continúa labrándose unha brillante reputación por reeditar sons anómalos e escarbar nos recunchos máis inhóspitos en busca de artefactos inéditos producidos por bichos raros.

(Co)producido por Jean-Pierre Boistel, 'Percussions Pour A Danse' naceu como un traballo de investigación rítmica co obxectivo de acompañar as clases de danza contemporánea e actuacións en directo do coreógrafo Tony Kenneybrew. Esta reedición (idéntica á do 2018) devolve á circulación os seis temas orixinais do álbum publicado en 1989 que combinan ritmos tribais procesados por computador cunha serie de elementos percutivos e melódicos africanos. Sanzas, kalimbas e talking drums traballan ao unísono para un jazz-funk mutante e ralentizado, metade dixital/metade analóxico, tinguido de new-age e hipnóticos sons baleáricos.

*No borrador dos nosos discos favoritos do 2022 están anotadas as retrospectivas de Influenza Prods. e Picture Music, dous discos tamén publicados por Left Ear aos que deberiades prestar atención antes de que se convertan en baleas brancas para coleccionistas.

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Percussions Pour La Danse was a collaboration between North American born jazz & contemporary-dance instructor Tony Kennybrew and French musician Jean-Pierre Boistel. Tony, a Washington native who had studied, taught and danced professionally since the age of 12, found himself in France in the late 80’s. It’s here that he linked up with like-minded musician Jean-Pierre; who had recently returned from a 6-month trip to West Africa. A trip that helped refine his craft that begun in the early 70’s. 

The music was created for Tony to use when teaching contemporary jazz-dance classes and to accompany live performance, allowing students to “dance slowly, rapidly and change speeds without changing the tempo!”. This work of rhythmic research was based on the “Balance of The Walk”; in 4 times, in 6 times, in 7 times & in 3 times. In order to reach the spatial possibilities he was striving for, Jean-Pierre would also use computer assisted programming to sample and re-play his own instrumentation. This allowed him to lay down the tempo of the track and then play live over the top, which in turn gave him the freedom to add the desired instruments and effects to each song.

Jean-Pierre’s use of instruments such as the Kalimba, Talking Drum & Sanza gives the album a distinctly African feel, while contemporary Jazz-dance time signatures adds a unique perspective to these traditional instrumentations creating an ethereal balance between the old and new.