Levande Död - Upp Till Kramp - ElMuelle1931

Levande Död - Upp Till Kramp

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Happiest Place / Sweden / 2019

The debut album of Sweden's Levande Död is maybe the strongest album you will hear in 2019, because it definitely wasn't the one when it was released in 2017 - just for the fact that you didn't hear it! Songs about destructive mindsets, outsiders and the realities of the countryside - 44 glorious minutes crammed onto two sides of black vinyl!

The album, unlike the original recording, now also contains the tracks of the more or less non-existent cassette "blod & eld" to completely portray the times which the album was written in.
Issued in 300 copies on black vinyl, with graphics by Elin Östling.

This album is the document of a time in a life,
as well as remembrance of life which has passed.